Back to School Series #1 - Introduction
Introduction The other day, I was pondering on what to write about. A post that could help others, with something they may be struggling with in life. So, why not write about my online college experience? This topic was always exciting for me. Why? Well, I loved the journey and loved sharing my experiences with those that considered taking this path. Even going through some of the rough times, it made me appreciate learning on a whole new level. Before starting this series, let me tell you a little story about how this all came about... My Story Every September, there was a beautiful sight. Multicolored leaves falling from the trees. A change of the seasons. It's a month when kids and adults return to school in New York. People are rushing to shop for backpacks, school supplies, even shopping for college dorm supplies…everyone is getting their fresh supplies…but not me. I felt stuck and hopeless. Here I was, living in Flushing, Queens, New York. At some point,...